Check out the itinerary and more details about our trip at this medium article written by hkasera@.
Joy Homestead
Joy Homestead
Joy Homestead
Joy Homestead
Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Enchanted Forest
Enchanted Forest
Enchanted Forest
Enchanted Forest
Trans-Alaska Pipeline near Yukon River Camp
Trans-Alaska Pipeline near Yukon River Camp
Canada jay at the Arctic circle sign
Canada jay at the Arctic circle sign
Aurora borealis at Joy Homestead
Aurora borealis at Joy Homestead
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Wickersham dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis at Murphy dome
Aurora borealis on the way back from Murphy dome
Aurora borealis on the way back from Murphy dome
Aurora borealis on the way back from Murphy dome
Aurora borealis on the way back from Murphy dome
Aurora borealis on the way back from Murphy dome
Aurora borealis on the way back from Murphy dome
American Pekins at Chena Hot Springs
American Pekins at Chena Hot Springs
Denali National Park
Denali National Park
Sunrise at Denali National Park
Sunrise at Denali National Park
Sunrise at Denali National Park
Sunrise at Denali National Park
Denali National Park
Denali National Park
Sunrise at Denali National Park
Sunrise at Denali National Park
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway
Somewhere on Denali Highway

Time lapse of snow storm on the way from Talkeetna to Fairbanks

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